Art show success

I’ve recently had three artworks in the Victor Harbor Art Show, the largest show in our state I believe. There were over 1,500 paintings and the judge awarded a winner and 12 “Highly Commended” awards. This piece, “Homeless” won one of those “Highly Commended”s. I understand that it’s a fairly confronting image and highly unlikely to sell, but my aim was to tell a story with it and create an “It could happen to you too” moment. Let’s face it, with the recent devastation in Haiti and Chile, that too could happen anywhere and it’s one of my goals to educate people not to judge the homeless and disadvantaged but in fact to help and be part of the solution. I have a friend who has volunteered to teach English in Chile. Her stint was cancelled when the earthquake hit but that made her even more determined to go, and she’s there now making a difference. Congratulations to all those people who would rather help make a difference to the disadvantaged than bitch and moan about life in our own affluent societies.

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